As a parent who has raised teenagers, taught them the fundamentals of music, and placed an emphasis on strummed instruments of the lyre family, I have had my share of teaching kids how to pick up and...
Posts by Tim
This is one of the first questions that I had when I first sat down to learn the ukulele, just like I'm sure you did. Before I even bought my uke I wanted to know if it was possible for me to get...
One of the songs we've been playing around the house and singing is This is Home by the artist Cavetown. The song has a nice melody, is nice to sing and just plays softly and beautifully. The song...
When I started playing my first instrument, I had been "singing" along to songs for years and years. Defintely not on a professional level, but I felt like I could sing well enough to dig myself out...
Ukulele C7 tutorial | Plus the only Variation you’ll ever Need
Although there are some difficult chords to play on the Ukulele, there are also a whole bunch of VERY easy ones. On ukulele C7 is one of the easiest chords you can play, and one of the great...
How do you play the C sharp minor Chord on Ukulele? C#m can be a little tricky because it's probably the first time you're moving up the neck at all with a chord, if you're a new uke player like...